Friday, October 31, 2014

October Bullying Prevention Month!
Students at the high school have been participating in numerous different activities to show their support in being kind to others and standing up for others.  Over 200 R.A.K. cards were handed out in 2 weeks to high school students for doing "Random Acts of Kindness."  That is AWESOME!  We have really good students here at ELC.  At lunch students also created sticky notes for a bulletin board that has LOTS of great ideas of what the STUDENTS can do to help ELC High school be a better place.  See pictures of the activities below.

R.A.K. Pizza Party!!

What can YOU do to make ELC a better place??

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

$enior$~ College Planning

SENIORS!!  HAVE YOU APPLIED TO COLLEGE YET???  In order to qualify for SOME of the university and colleges specific scholarships, you need to watch the application deadlines.  Some of the early deadlines are in November (you can apply after that, you just may miss out on $$$ from that college.  If you need help see me!  If you are free or reduced you MAY be eligible for an application fee waiver (if applicable ~ depends upon the college/university).  Again, see me for help!  

Things you should be doing:
Applying to colleges
ACT/SAT tests for admission (see if you college/university requires this and if there is a minimum score needed)
College Visits
Talking to the reps when they are here at the high school
Searching and applying for scholarships (school specific and general) is a link to my scholarship page --and a couple of other scholarship links. Start early!!!  $$$$$$$


Next Tuesday (Oct. 14th ALL Juniors will load buses at 8:15 by the front office.  We will be going to the RWC to take the ASVAB test.  You do not need to bring anything with you.  You will return to the high school at approximately 11:30.  


  • General Science
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of life science, earth and space science, and physical science
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
    A 30-item test measuring ability to solve basic arithmetic word problems
  • Word Knowledge
    A 35-item test measuring ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms
  • Paragraph Comprehension
    A 15-item test measuring ability to obtain information from written material
  • Mathematics Knowledge 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of mathematical concepts and applications
  • Electronics Information
    A 20-item test measuring knowledge of electrical current, circuits, devices, and electronic systems
  • Auto and Shop Information 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of automotive maintenance and repair, and wood and metal shop practices
  • Mechanical Comprehension 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of the principles of mechanical devices, structural support, and properties of materials

​Once we receive your test scores, there will be a career exploration component..  Using the results of the ASVAB, along with an interest survey, you will find careers that match your skills and interest areas.

IF you are considering joining the military, this test is very important, as it is used as their entrance exam.  If you are not considering the military, this test can help you with career planning.   ​

Thursday, October 2, 2014

College Info

Please take a minute to check out the link below.  For some of  you college is in the near future and some of you it is a few years out.  This information is important for everyone so you can see what colleges are looking for in students.  This is JUST information for University of Iowa, Iowa State and UNI, but it still gives you a good general idea of the things you will need in order to get into/go to college.  If you are a freshman, the courses you are taking now, WILL affect you down the road-----g.p.a./class rank/etc.  It starts in 9th grade!!!  I know we have some seniors who WISH they had done things differently in 9th grade because they are not eligilble for a college they would like to attend or they are not eligible for some scholarships.  While it may seem a long ways away, the things you are doing now in your classes WILL impact your future!  See me if you have any questions about any of this!!!