Please take a minute to check out the link below. For some of you college is in the near future and some of you it is a few years out. This information is important for everyone so you can see what colleges are looking for in students. This is JUST information for University of Iowa, Iowa State and UNI, but it still gives you a good general idea of the things you will need in order to get into/go to college. If you are a freshman, the courses you are taking now, WILL affect you down the road-----g.p.a./class rank/etc. It starts in 9th grade!!! I know we have some seniors who WISH they had done things differently in 9th grade because they are not eligilble for a college they would like to attend or they are not eligible for some scholarships. While it may seem a long ways away, the things you are doing now in your classes WILL impact your future! See me if you have any questions about any of this!!!