Friday, September 26, 2014

College Reps

Benefits of college rep visits for students

Reps come to the high school to meet with interested students in small groups to discuss topics such as the academic programs, campus life, financial aid and admission procedures of their college. They also answer students' questions.  
With so much information already available on college websites and in catalogs, your students may wonder why they should attend these in-person sessions. Below are six reasons to encourage students to meet with college reps.
  1. Students have a chance — in their own town — to meet face-to-face with a rep and ask specific questions.
  2. Students can let the college know they are seriously interested.
  3. In many cases, the reps are admission officers from the college, so students have a unique opportunity to make contact with a person who may be evaluating their application in the future.
  4. The meeting provides students with a specific contact at the college to whom they can send questions.
  5. Sometimes reps, particularly ones from state universities, will give an early read on students' transcripts, test scores and course selections during their visits. This helps students assess their fit at that institution and figure out what they can do to improve their chances of getting in.
  6. It's an opportunity for you, as a counselor, to bring to your students’ attention a college that you think is a good fit but that the student may not have considered.

    Who should attend the college rep presentations?


    College rep visits are open to all juniors and seniors, but please only sign up for the ones that you are truly interested in.  If a student is signing up for EVERY visit, we will need to deal with this individually.