Friday, October 31, 2014

October Bullying Prevention Month!
Students at the high school have been participating in numerous different activities to show their support in being kind to others and standing up for others.  Over 200 R.A.K. cards were handed out in 2 weeks to high school students for doing "Random Acts of Kindness."  That is AWESOME!  We have really good students here at ELC.  At lunch students also created sticky notes for a bulletin board that has LOTS of great ideas of what the STUDENTS can do to help ELC High school be a better place.  See pictures of the activities below.

R.A.K. Pizza Party!!

What can YOU do to make ELC a better place??

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

$enior$~ College Planning

SENIORS!!  HAVE YOU APPLIED TO COLLEGE YET???  In order to qualify for SOME of the university and colleges specific scholarships, you need to watch the application deadlines.  Some of the early deadlines are in November (you can apply after that, you just may miss out on $$$ from that college.  If you need help see me!  If you are free or reduced you MAY be eligible for an application fee waiver (if applicable ~ depends upon the college/university).  Again, see me for help!  

Things you should be doing:
Applying to colleges
ACT/SAT tests for admission (see if you college/university requires this and if there is a minimum score needed)
College Visits
Talking to the reps when they are here at the high school
Searching and applying for scholarships (school specific and general) is a link to my scholarship page --and a couple of other scholarship links. Start early!!!  $$$$$$$


Next Tuesday (Oct. 14th ALL Juniors will load buses at 8:15 by the front office.  We will be going to the RWC to take the ASVAB test.  You do not need to bring anything with you.  You will return to the high school at approximately 11:30.  


  • General Science
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of life science, earth and space science, and physical science
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
    A 30-item test measuring ability to solve basic arithmetic word problems
  • Word Knowledge
    A 35-item test measuring ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms
  • Paragraph Comprehension
    A 15-item test measuring ability to obtain information from written material
  • Mathematics Knowledge 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of mathematical concepts and applications
  • Electronics Information
    A 20-item test measuring knowledge of electrical current, circuits, devices, and electronic systems
  • Auto and Shop Information 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of automotive maintenance and repair, and wood and metal shop practices
  • Mechanical Comprehension 
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of the principles of mechanical devices, structural support, and properties of materials

​Once we receive your test scores, there will be a career exploration component..  Using the results of the ASVAB, along with an interest survey, you will find careers that match your skills and interest areas.

IF you are considering joining the military, this test is very important, as it is used as their entrance exam.  If you are not considering the military, this test can help you with career planning.   ​

Thursday, October 2, 2014

College Info

Please take a minute to check out the link below.  For some of  you college is in the near future and some of you it is a few years out.  This information is important for everyone so you can see what colleges are looking for in students.  This is JUST information for University of Iowa, Iowa State and UNI, but it still gives you a good general idea of the things you will need in order to get into/go to college.  If you are a freshman, the courses you are taking now, WILL affect you down the road-----g.p.a./class rank/etc.  It starts in 9th grade!!!  I know we have some seniors who WISH they had done things differently in 9th grade because they are not eligilble for a college they would like to attend or they are not eligible for some scholarships.  While it may seem a long ways away, the things you are doing now in your classes WILL impact your future!  See me if you have any questions about any of this!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

College Reps

Benefits of college rep visits for students

Reps come to the high school to meet with interested students in small groups to discuss topics such as the academic programs, campus life, financial aid and admission procedures of their college. They also answer students' questions.  
With so much information already available on college websites and in catalogs, your students may wonder why they should attend these in-person sessions. Below are six reasons to encourage students to meet with college reps.
  1. Students have a chance — in their own town — to meet face-to-face with a rep and ask specific questions.
  2. Students can let the college know they are seriously interested.
  3. In many cases, the reps are admission officers from the college, so students have a unique opportunity to make contact with a person who may be evaluating their application in the future.
  4. The meeting provides students with a specific contact at the college to whom they can send questions.
  5. Sometimes reps, particularly ones from state universities, will give an early read on students' transcripts, test scores and course selections during their visits. This helps students assess their fit at that institution and figure out what they can do to improve their chances of getting in.
  6. It's an opportunity for you, as a counselor, to bring to your students’ attention a college that you think is a good fit but that the student may not have considered.

    Who should attend the college rep presentations?


    College rep visits are open to all juniors and seniors, but please only sign up for the ones that you are truly interested in.  If a student is signing up for EVERY visit, we will need to deal with this individually.

    Thursday, September 11, 2014

    Midterms and Grades


       Hope the year is off to a great start!   

    ~Don't forget that MIDTERM is next week ~ Wed. September 17th.  Any junior or senior with open campus who is failing a course at midterm will be placed in a mandatory study hall 8th period.  9th and 10th graders who are failing may be assigned a different study hall.

    ~Please be checking grades regularly.  All parents and students have access to grades online through JMC.  If you are not able to access these, please let me know.  The only exception to this is the online courses.  Some of these courses are not accessible through JMC.  These grades must be accessed through moodle.  Parents:  please have your child log in to their online course at home so you can view grades and see progress in those courses.  Contact the teacher if needed.  

    ~Remember ALL teachers are available for help during the common 8th hour study hall.  PLEASE take advantage of this opportunity to get help from the teachers of courses you are struggling with. Also, please take advantage of the new peer tutoring program available on Wed.'s after school.

    And most importantly, please communicate with the teachers.  If you are struggling or having an issue with a class or teacher, the first step should be to reach out to that teacher!!  

    Wednesday, September 10, 2014


    The high school will be offering a peer tutoring program for students on Wednesdays (early dismissal days), from 1:30-3:00 in the high school media center (online learning center). This is an optional time for students to attend to get help on their homework or to work on their online class. Come for a bit, or stay the whole time!  Open to all 9th-12th graders!!!  

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    Young Women In Business

    We had students and parents attend this last year and said it was EXCELLENT.  Considering a career path in business??  Consider attending this....

    For more information, please visit the YWIB Website:

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Wendy's Heisman

    The Wendy's High School Heisman



    Absolutely! If you are a high school senior—or if you teach or coach one—who’s dedicated to learning, performing, and leading—we’d love to hear from you.
    The Wendy’s High School Heisman Program is looking for all types of high-achieving seniors from more than 29,000 public and private high schools within the U.S. We consider young men and women who participate in a wide range of sports and school and community activities. If you’re one of the 1.4 million high school athletes across the country that excels in the classroom, on the field, and within your school and community, apply now. Or if you’re a teacher, coach, counselor, or administrator, learn how to refer a student. And don’t forget to check out the program timeline for important application deadlines and dates.


    To achieve award eligibility for the 2014 Wendy’s High School Heisman Program, students must be seniors during the 2014/2015 academic years, graduating with the class of 2015. Applicants must:
    Have a cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of a B (3.0) or better.
    Participate in at least one of 27 eligible school-sponsored sports:
    1. Badminton
    2. Baseball
    3. Basketball
    4. Bowling
    5. Canoeing
    6. Competitive Spirit/Cheerleading
    7. Competitive Weight Lifting
    8. Crew
    9. Cross Country
    10. Equestrian
    11. Fencing
    12. Field Hockey
    13. Football
    14. Golf
    15. Gymnastics
    16. Ice Hockey
    17. Judo
    18. Lacrosse
    19. Skiing
    20. Soccer
    21. Softball
    22. Swimming and Diving
    23. Tennis
    24. Track and Field
    25. Volleyball
    26. Water Polo
    27. Wrestling
    Be a leader in school and in the community and serve as a role model for underclassman.

    For more info:

    Friday, September 5, 2014