Here is a list of the Career Academy programs available to ELC High School Juniors and Seniors.
Students interested in signing up for one of these programs to begin next fall should see Mrs. Brechwald ASAP for the registration forms. Students receive college credit, along with 3 high school elective credits for the courses they complete through this program. This is a great opportunity to explore an interest area. Students who participate in these must be on track for graduation at the high school. Students attend college the 1st three periods of their school day and then return to the high school for the remainder of the day. Students who attend a program in Emmetsburg will be bused to ILCC and back daily. The programs available are:
Sophomore Parent Meeting Information
- Home
- Parent Student Handbook
- Graduation Requirements
- ELC Course Offering Handbook
- ELC Transcript Request
- Contact Me
- Scholarships
- RAI (Regent Schools Admission Index)
- Paying for College $$$
- Career Search Resources
- Outside Resources/Community Support
- College Planning Resources/Websites
- High School Bell Schedules
- High School Lunch Assignments
- Apprenticeships
- Freshman Orientation
- Schedule Change Request Form
- College Classes in High School