Friday, November 18, 2016

College Classes - Semester 2

The online and face 2 face ILCC classes for 2nd semester (including CNA) are available.  If you are interested please stop in to get a packet of the classes offered to begin looking at class times and options.  Come in Monday to work on your schedule and picking college classes.  A couple of reminders:

You must be in good academic standing at the high school.

9th/10th grade must be TAG/GIFTED identified to be eligible and meet ELC and ILCC's eligibility guidelines (see me to see if you qualify).

11th/12th you must meet ELC and ILCC's eligibility guidelines to take classes 

College classes must be scheduled around high school classes.  You CANNOT miss a high school course because of college (other than Wed. early out schedule).  It is your responsibility to communicate with High School teachers about this!

Anyone who wishes to take an ILCC class next semester AT the college or online through the college (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE our dual credit classes taught HERE) needs to stop in Monday to work on schedules and get registered.  

You can view the ILCC class offerings HERE also.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Any students interested in taking the PSAT/NMSQT test on Wed. Oct. 19th should sign up in the guidance office by Wed. Sept. 21st.  

It is open to 10th grade and 11th grade students.  10th graders do NOT qualify for the scholarships until testing as an 11th grader, but you can take it in 10th grade as "practice" if you choose.

Attached is an information sheet on the test, who should consider taking it, and what it can do for you.

We suggest that juniors in the top 10% of their class take the test. It is not an admissions test, nor is it a college placement test.  Those tests are the ACT and SAT.  This test is for students to see if they would be successful in AP classes, qualify for national merit scholarships, and preparation for standardized testing.

Click HERE for more information!!!

Wendy's Heisman Scholarship Opportunity

Visit to learn more.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Career/Worksite Tour Opportunities!

Tours to Lakes Regional are full, but if interested in any of the later opportunities, see Mrs. Brechwald ASAP!

Student Grade Checks

Remember:  To check your grades on JMC, go to the estherville home page
Student Login information is this:
Username is your login for the computer (desktop login, not your gmail login)
Password is your 4 digit lunch code.
If you need help, see me!
Inline image 3
Inline image 4

Mrs. Brechwald

Friday, September 2, 2016

Chromebook Meetings! Last Call!!!

There will be a final opportunity to attend a student / parent Chromebook & Acceptable use policy meeting.   On Monday, Sept 12th there will be two available meetings at 7:15 am and 6:00 pm.

All freshman and parents, or any new students to ELC who have not previously attended a meeting need to be there to sign off on the acceptable use policy.  No student will be issued a device prior to attending one of these meetings.  All students in grades 10-12 who have previously attended a meeting with a parent and signed the acceptable use policy do not need to come to another meeting.

These are "last chance" meetings and there will be no others offered this school year.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome Back!!!!!  Some important info!

Freshman Orientation tomorrow - be here before 8!   You will get a copy of your schedule at this time.

Upper classmen will get a copy of schedules Wed. can check JMC online before then to view your schedule.  (Reminder Wed. is 2 hour early out day)

Those taking college classes, please communicate with teachers if your Wed. college classes interfere with a HS Class.  It is your responsibility to communicate with your HS teachers!

You will need a parent note to change schedules.  You have 1 week for changes!!!

Reminder of Chromebook meetings at 6:30/7:15 tomorrow morning in the library if you missed the other opportunities. 

Below is a link to my blog.  On my blog you will find
- Bell Schedules for this year
- Lunch Schedules
-Graduation Requirements

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Resource -

YourLifeIowa is a collaborative effort between the Iowa Department of Public Health, The Crisis Center of Johnson County and Foundation 2 that was launched in November 2012 and connects young Iowans with caring people who will listen. Trained counselors can be reached through texting, online chat, or phone. It’s free, private, and easy to use. You can contact YourLifeIowa for problems big and small. 

Here are a few reasons you may want to reach out:

- Bullying 
- Depression and anxiety
- Peer pressure 
- Self-esteem 
- Friends and relationships
- Thoughts of suicide

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Another Reminder!! Seniors ~ Most of these local scholarships are due THIS FRIDAY, April 15th by 3:45 pm (some deadlines have passed). NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME!!! Please make sure to have them to the guidance office BY that time/day.

I encourage you all to fill out the ones you are eligible for!!

Also, if you have been awarded a scholarship from the college you will be attending and you would like it recognized at senior awards day, please bring me a copy of the letter of award from the college/university.

Click on the SCHOLARSHIP link on this blog to access the local scholarship applications.

Career Academy Programs - ILCC

Here is a list of the Career Academy programs available to ELC High School Juniors and Seniors.

Students interested in signing up for one of these programs to begin next fall should see Mrs. Brechwald ASAP for the registration forms.  Students receive college credit, along with 3 high school elective credits for the courses they complete through this program.  This is a great opportunity to explore an interest area. Students who participate in these must be on track for graduation at the high school.  Students attend college the 1st three periods of their school day and then return to the high school for the remainder of the day.  Students who attend a program in Emmetsburg will be bused to ILCC and back daily. The programs available are:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Summer School Letter

April 4, 2016

Dear Students and Parents;

We would like to make you aware that ELC High School is once again planning a summer school opportunity this year to assist students who have failed a course and wish make up the credit.  Summer school will run from June 6 - June 30 and be in session from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00,  Monday through Friday.  Students will have the opportunity to make up 2 credits dependant on the amount of time spent working on the course (30 hours of work is a realistic number necessary to complete 1 course).

Summer school location will be at South Campus (Alternative High School), located at 1814 7th Avenue South.  Registration in summer school will be limited based on seat availability.   Students farthest behind credit wise will receive first priority for available seats.

During this time, students will work independently under the supervision of certified staff members of the ELC faculty.  Upon successful completion of all required assignments and exams, credit will be awarded.  All school work will be completed in the classroom.  No homework will be allowed.

There be an attendance policy due to the fact seating is limited.  Those who miss more than 1 day per week will be dropped to allow the open seat to the next available student on the waiting list.  A completed day consists of 4 hours of work time.  Vacations, appointments, work etc., should be scheduled around summer school hours.

Please assist us in the planning process by indicating your intention to participate in summer school on the attached form.  Please return the form to the high school office no later than May 1, 2016.  
If you have any questions, call or email either of the school officials listed below.


Brad Leonard Mindy Brechwald
High School Principal High School Counselor

Registration form HERE

Monday, February 22, 2016

FAFSA and Scholarships!


Hopefully you are busy working on your scholarships applications and have begun, if not completed the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid! 

If you haven't started the FAFSA yet, please do so ASAP! The FAFSA is a CRUCIAL component of this process. All students going to college next fall should file the FAFSA!! See my "FAFSA" page of this blog for more info and links to get your pin and to the application. 

Why is it important to file early?  Read HERE

For local scholarships, please visit the scholarship tab on this blog. These are in google docs. You must go to "file" and then "make a copy" in order to edit the applications. If you wish to do them in Microsoft Word, you can download them in a word document and save them that way also. Please see me if you have any questions.  Some of the local scholarships have early deadlines, so please be looking at those!  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

FAFSA and Scholarships


Thank you to all of you who attended the Financial Aid meeting presented by the ICAN the other evening.  Hopefully you took away helpful information!

REMINDER:  The FAFSA is now available online at  Here is a link to a GREAT informational sheet on filling out the FAFSA.  FAFSA has a 1800 number you can call for help also.  Even if you do not think you will qualify for grants or aid because of income, you should still fill out the FAFSA, as it may be a requirement for scholarships and loans.  The Iowa College Access Network in E'burg offers a FAFSA workshop in February if anyone would like help filling out their FAFSA.  You can also call and speak with the colleges financial aid office if you need assistance.  

Any student considering ILCC should fill out the ILCC online scholarship which can be accessed here:

With ILCC being here in town, we see it happen every  year where students do not think they are going to ILCC, but for one reason or another they end up at ILCC in the fall and they did not take the time to fill out this application.  This application is worth ALOT of money and most all students who apply receive multiple scholarships.  You are not taking money away from another student and you are not committing to ILCC by doing this.  You MUST apply to ILCC as part of this process (which takes about 5 minutes online).  

If you haven't applied for admission to your college yet, you should be doing that ASAP!  

There is also a host of local scholarships available on my blog.  These are offered by local community organizations.  Most of these local ones are due April 15th - but check deadlines!  
Along with the local scholarships, there are a variety of other scholarships listed on the website, along with some other scholarship search engines.  Also, be sure to check with colleges you are interested in for the scholarships they offer.   If you are willing to spend some time on this, there is alot of $$$$ out there!!!!  

 (click on the scholarship tab for local scholarships - instructions are provided there)

If you missed the ICAN financial aid meeting last week, I have uploaded a video recording of the presentation.  You can also view this on my blog under the College Planning and Resources tab or the direct link below.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Information - ILEC - Opportunity for Juniors!!!!

FREE trip to Washington D.C. AND a $500 Scholarship!!!

Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative is inviting all high school juniors to apply. 

2016 youth tour - a week-long, all-expense paid trip to the capitol from June 10-16th.  Along with the paid trip, students will also receive a $500 scholarship to a college of their choice.

Applications must be submitted to ILEC by March 15, 2016. 

Visit the youth tour website at to view a video from previous attendees and to learn more about the youth tour trip.  

ILEC Contact Info. :
Bobbi Jo Ruschy
702 South 1st Street
Estherville, IA  51334

Friday, January 1, 2016

Reminder of Student/Parent Meetings


The ICAN (Iowa College Access Network) will be here on Tuesday, January 5th to present the following info.

Seniors/Parents:   Financial Aid Information  5-6 p.m. 

Juniors/Parents:   Career and College Planning Information  6-7 p.m. 

These meetings will be held in the High School Little Theatre.  

If you have any questions, email