Thursday, April 23, 2020

Scholarship Turn In -Seniors

A google classroom has been set up for you to turn in your LOCAL scholarships that were to be turned in to the guidance office. Mrs. Brechwald sent an email with the class code to all seniors!
**If you already turned hard copies in prior to break, we will get those to the providers OR you can upload them via classroom**

Friday, April 17, 2020

Scheduling for 2020-2021

Current Juniors and Sophomores have received videos, links and a sign-up form in their google classroom so they can begin working on schedules for next fall.  We offered a Q&A zoom session for current juniors today from 1-2 pm so they could ask any questions they may have.  They may also email us questions.  We will do a virtual meeting again next week for students.  In the next couple of weeks, current freshman will receive their links to do their schedules as well.  If you would like to see the information, please have your child invite you to the classroom or email me  Please let me know who you are the parent/guardian of when sending the request!  

Please reach out if you have any questions!  

Thursday, February 20, 2020

College Fair

Iowa Lakes Community College will be hosting a College Fair in the gymnasium on the Estherville campus, 9:00-10:30 am on Thursday, March 5, 2020. An estimated 60 colleges and universities will be in attendance, this is a great chance for the students to talk to various institutions, speak directly to college representatives and/or gather information on the college selection process and financial aid processes.

This is a great opportunity for our 10-12th graders to visit with potential colleges.  

Interested students should sign up with Mrs. Brechwald in the school counseling office by Friday, Feb. 28th.