Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Any students interested in taking the PSAT/NMSQT test on Wed. Oct. 19th should sign up in the guidance office by Wed. Sept. 21st.  

It is open to 10th grade and 11th grade students.  10th graders do NOT qualify for the scholarships until testing as an 11th grader, but you can take it in 10th grade as "practice" if you choose.

Attached is an information sheet on the test, who should consider taking it, and what it can do for you.

We suggest that juniors in the top 10% of their class take the test. It is not an admissions test, nor is it a college placement test.  Those tests are the ACT and SAT.  This test is for students to see if they would be successful in AP classes, qualify for national merit scholarships, and preparation for standardized testing.

Click HERE for more information!!!

Wendy's Heisman Scholarship Opportunity

Visit WendysHeisman.com to learn more.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Career/Worksite Tour Opportunities!

Tours to Lakes Regional are full, but if interested in any of the later opportunities, see Mrs. Brechwald ASAP!

Student Grade Checks

Remember:  To check your grades on JMC, go to the estherville home page
Student Login information is this:
Username is your login for the computer (desktop login, not your gmail login)
Password is your 4 digit lunch code.
If you need help, see me!
Inline image 3
Inline image 4

Mrs. Brechwald

Friday, September 2, 2016

Chromebook Meetings! Last Call!!!

There will be a final opportunity to attend a student / parent Chromebook & Acceptable use policy meeting.   On Monday, Sept 12th there will be two available meetings at 7:15 am and 6:00 pm.

All freshman and parents, or any new students to ELC who have not previously attended a meeting need to be there to sign off on the acceptable use policy.  No student will be issued a device prior to attending one of these meetings.  All students in grades 10-12 who have previously attended a meeting with a parent and signed the acceptable use policy do not need to come to another meeting.

These are "last chance" meetings and there will be no others offered this school year.